Do you have any questions?

Questions about the certification procedure

Please contact the relevant certification body for information on the certification procedure:

For the assessment system for small sustainable residential buildings (BNK):
Bau-Institut für Ressourceneffizienz und Nachhaltiges Bauen GmbH

For the DGNB system:

For the assessment system for sustainable building (BNB):
Steinbeis-Transfer-Institut Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft

For the quality seal for sustainable residential buildings (NaWoh):
Verein zur Förderung der Nachhaltigkeit im Wohnungsbau e.V.

Questions about the assessment systems for sustainable buildings

Please contact the relevant assessment system provider for information about their sustainable building assessment system:


Questions about funding/subsidy programmes

Please contact the relevant subsidy providers for information about subsidies for building projects that pursue QNG Certification. Please contact the KfW for information about the “Federal Subsidy for Efficient Buildings (BEG)” with BEG Refurbishment Funding and Climate-Friendly New Builds (KFN).

Questions about life cycle analyses/assessments (LCA)

Please contact the KfW Info Centre by email at infocenter(at) for information about life cycle analyses/assessments.

Questions about the QNG Certification Specifications

Please either call the QNG Hotline or email us at fragen(at) for information about the QNG Certification Specifications.

Alternatively, you can also contact us by phone every
Tuesday and Wednesday
from 09.00 to 13.00
at 030/257679435
for information on the QNG Certification Specifications.